Secure access to all your apps

Connect Zygon to your cloud infrastructure and identity directories. The magic happen: you have an inventory of every SaaS accounts in minutes. Time for action: use Zygon's workflows for bulk access reviews and its agent-less and SCIM-less technologies for automated deprovisioning.

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Send data and trigger any workflow on n8n directly from Zygon automations.
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Send data and trigger any workflow on Make directly from Zygon automations.
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MS Teams
Reach out to app users right where they expect it. No more copy and past in emails or ticketing systems.
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Google Workspace
In addition to identities relying on Google OAuth tokens, Zygon provides a full view of SaaS applications used by any employee.
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Entra ID
Zygon displays identities managed with Entra ID on a central view, alongside their proper security and vendor information.
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Reach out to app users right where they expect it. No more copy and past in emails or ticketing systems.
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Microsoft 365
Gain visibility into your complete SaaS inventory, including identifying which identities have access to each tool and their respective authentication methods.
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Import your user directory, app inventory, sync users and groups assignment.
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Zygon is here to help you coordinate your company's tech stack into one unified platform.
Together we can make it happen!

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