A consolidated identity inventory in minutes

Eliminate the trade-off between security and identity coverage. Zygon extends visibility to every access point, paving the way for quick remediation.

high performer fall 2024

The fragmented nature of identities leads to security gaps. No longer.

Synchronize identities across multiple sources
Detect shadow SaaS with a lightweight setup
Query and organize identities with dynamic filters and automation
Receive instant alerts when discrepancies are found

Synchronize identities across multiple sources

Identities and application access are distributed across multiple repositories for legacy reasons. However, IT teams require a consolidated view on a single pane of glass.

Seamless integration with all IdPs

Allows for manual import

Merges aliases and duplicate identities

Detect shadow SaaS with a lightweight setup

Shadow SaaS is just a source of unmanaged identities. You need to detect them in order to manage them, and Zygon helps you do this with zero effort.

Agentless setup in 5 minutes

Detect unmanaged OAuth identities

Detect unmanaged username / password identities

Query and organize identities with powerful filters and automation

Spreadsheet addict? You’ll like exporting data from Zygon. Also, advanced filtering and tagging features are available, so you can focus on what matters – solving the task at hand.

Multi-level filtering and tagging functions

Saved views and workflows

Dynamic filters

Bulk actions

Receive instant alerts when discrepancies are found

The modern identity lifecycle is fast: identities are created or updated every day. Zygon helps you keep up with this activity and allow you to jump in when neeeded.

Powerful policy-based alerting features

Instant or batch notifications

Engage automatically with owners and end-users

high performer fall 2024

Stop wasting time on access reviews

Get Zygon's powerful and versatile workflows set up in minutes!

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